1.   Senate bill would expand the voluntary program to the entire nation for the next three years.

2.   And finally, the bill would expand the authority of the U.S. Postal Service to stop misleading or fraudulent mailings and to impose tougher penalties for first time offenses.

3.   -- The bill would expand the tax deduction for people who work from their homes.

4.   But the Traditional Values Coalition withdrew its support arguing that the bill would actually expand gambling through its various exemptions.

5.   He said he was switching despite his opposition to the death penalty, which the bill would greatly expand for federal crimes.

6.   However, the bill would also expand capital punishment to include murders committed with deadly weapons, which could include guns, many types of knives and brass knuckles.

7.   If passed, the bill would also expand eligibility to include reservists who die while on active and inactive training.

8.   In doing so, the bill would expand the power of banks to sell securities and insurance products.

9.   Opponents said the bill expands the role of the federal government into a national police state.

10.   Q. The bill expanded the list of federal crimes for which the death penalty can be imposed.

n. + expand >>共 926
company 11.74%
economy 7.56%
market 1.65%
bank 1.59%
business 1.51%
universe 1.36%
government 1.36%
bill 1.11%
program 1.02%
industry 0.97%
bill + v. >>共 493
be 13.78%
pass 4.56%
go 3.95%
have 3.84%
allow 3.37%
require 3.27%
include 2.46%
make 2.41%
give 2.17%
become 2.15%
expand 0.32%
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