1.   Longterm results of biliary stenting, however, have been disappointing because stent clogging or migration are responsible for significant morbidity.

2.   Sphincterotomy is sometimes performed to facilitate biliary stenting, and consequent haemorrhage may occasionally be a cause of death.

3.   In addition, the procedure usually takes longer and an endoscope of a greater diameter is used when biliary stenting is performed.

a. + stenting >>共 4
biliary 36.36%
endoscopic 36.36%
initial 18.18%
carotid 9.09%
biliary + n. >>共 51
tree 10.23%
tract 7.95%
drainage 6.82%
lipid 6.82%
stricture 6.82%
cholesterol 5.68%
obstruction 5.68%
epithelium 3.41%
endoprosthesis 3.41%
bicarbonate 2.84%
stenting 2.27%
每页显示:    共 4