1.   Who will be the biggest star of the Olympics?

2.   A studio magnate who had the biggest stars in Hollywood at his beck and call.

3.   Though Bebeto and Mauro Silva are the biggest stars, the whole team, the president and the trainer, are all gently mobbed at every public appearance.

4.   Also, the houses were home to Hollywood premieres and attended by the biggest stars of the early century.

5.   And he might have to sell the NBA without its biggest star, should Jordan retire after winning his sixth championship last season.

6.   And while TV Bette is clearly a star, she is never the biggest star, or so she worries.

7.   Arguably its two biggest stars, Mario Lemieux and Wayne Gretzky, for the most part have looked like everyday second- and third-liners.

8.   Ask the top talent agents in Hollywood or studio executives or producers for the name of the biggest star in town.

9.   Astronomers believe these massive stars ended their short lives more violently than even the biggest stars that go supernova in the modern universe.

10.   But Griffey, the biggest star in the sport, had no interest in this enticing notion.

a. + star >>共 1303
former 8.07%
pop 5.81%
rising 4.29%
young 3.42%
big 2.26%
new 2.22%
hollywood 2.19%
international 1.54%
top 1.33%
biggest 1.29%
biggest + n. >>共 920
problem 4.26%
challenge 2.57%
loser 1.56%
gain 1.55%
gainer 1.52%
threat 1.46%
difference 1.29%
concern 1.18%
obstacle 1.17%
change 1.08%
star 0.58%
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