1.   Bid goodbye to Bryant Gumbel?

2.   He told them India had bid goodbye to the era of restrictive policies and dismantled controls to encourage foreign investment.

3.   It also occurred the same week students bid goodbye to a young student who had died in a car accident.

4.   This World Cup has already bid goodbye to France and Argentina.

n. + goodbye >>共 84
wave 15.94%
wife 5.07%
bid 2.90%
kiss 2.90%
mother 2.90%
say 2.90%
daughter 2.17%
kid 1.45%
hope 1.45%
husband 1.45%
bid + n. >>共 201
committee 18.91%
city 10.35%
price 4.98%
process 4.88%
speculation 3.78%
team 3.48%
official 3.08%
offer 2.49%
leader 2.29%
scandal 2.09%
goodbye 0.40%
每页显示:    共 4