1.   Among the other bid cities, Massik said U.S. Fencing also has good relationships with San Francisco and Los Angeles.

2.   And he realizes that the ongoing investigation into other bid cities from other years, six Games in all, may lead to other expulsions in March and beyond.

3.   And in expanding its investigation to other bid cities, the IOC is almost certain to be embarrassed by more revelations of untoward behavior.

4.   Atlanta officials maintain the gifts did not violate IOC rules because the limit was just a guideline and other bid cities were doing the same thing.

5.   At that time, the IOC convened representatives of all bid cities in Lausanne, Switzerland, and grilled them about the bid process and any abuses.

6.   Bid committee officials also had detailed personal information on their IOC targets, from the dossiers prepared by previous bid cities such as Sydney, Australia.

7.   Bid cities are required to audit their expenditures.

8.   Bid cities often compile dossiers regarding such things as personal preferences, family members and even clothing sizes of Olympic officials.

9.   Both bid cities noted personal details, relatives and suggested gifts.

10.   Consistent with this standard, it is inappropriate for any bid city to offer or give I.O.C. members personal financial benefits unrelated to their professional responsibilities.

n. + city >>共 447
port 23.79%
capital 12.63%
host 7.79%
tent 5.54%
border 4.62%
bid 2.89%
resort 1.86%
candidate 1.50%
year 1.39%
seaside 1.06%
bid + n. >>共 201
committee 18.91%
city 10.35%
price 4.98%
process 4.88%
speculation 3.78%
team 3.48%
official 3.08%
offer 2.49%
leader 2.29%
scandal 2.09%
每页显示:    共 103