1.   As chaplain at the Philadelphia Industrial Correctional Center, the Rev. John Bonavitacola lives the biblical injunction to visit those in prisons.

2.   A few denominations with progressive traditions wholeheartedly support such unions, while most do not, often citing biblical injunctions against homosexuality.

3.   God may have given people dominion over the animals, but such Biblical injunctions mean little for the sleek, toned thoroughbreds that are stabled around the Saratoga racetrack.

4.   In any case, covering public walls with biblical injunctions is not going to stop one brainless kid with a bazooka from mowing down his classmates.

5.   Israeli leaders often meet with Christian conservatives, most of whom support a strong Israel based on biblical injunctions.

6.   The Biblical injunction about it being better to give than to receive obviously does not apply to concession speeches.

7.   The difficulty these two issues present for his colleagues is the biblical injunction about casting the first stone.

8.   Then he remembered his ring -- followed by a biblical injunction never to look back -- and scrambled to safety over the rising port gunwale.

9.   At issue is interpretation of the biblical injunction of Shmitta that calls for Jewish farmers to let their fields lie fallow once every seven years.

10.   Implicitly acknowledging that, Public Security Minister Shlomo Ben-Ami chose to remind his compatriots of a biblical injunction.

a. + injunction >>共 76
preliminary 43.09%
temporary 17.21%
permanent 10.59%
interim 2.06%
emergency 1.91%
federal 1.62%
legal 1.47%
biblical 1.47%
similar 1.47%
immediate 1.18%
biblical + n. >>共 346
time 4.20%
story 3.58%
proportion 3.03%
scholar 2.95%
patriarch 2.80%
passage 2.72%
account 2.64%
text 2.49%
reference 2.26%
teaching 2.18%
injunction 0.78%
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