1.   Maybe you need actual job skills, such as better computer training or a course in direct mail Marketing.

2.   That ought to be enough to scare away even the most devoted private-sector champions of better training.

3.   The American team seemed to have all the advantages - better training, better facilities, and much better financial support.

4.   Among other things, the report urged better training for inspectors, clearer regulations, and a better understanding of whatever the regulations are at the time.

5.   Among its recommendations on Tuesday, the board called for better training of FAA inspectors and improvements to small airports.

6.   And every CRASH officer will be sent to schools for better training.

7.   And they insist that effective restrictions will evolve with time, through both better training and better technologies.

8.   And, the CBO study suggests that the armed services might get better training somewhere other than in military hospitals.

9.   At a minimum, better training has to be put in place.

10.   Better training in college is the biggest reason there are more black quarterbacks in the NFL, many players and coaches agree.

a. + training >>共 802
military 10.29%
special 3.38%
formal 3.26%
vocational 2.90%
medical 2.42%
on-the-job 2.34%
pilot 2.13%
better 2.11%
additional 1.87%
professional 1.59%
better + n. >>共 1001
job 3.53%
chance 3.27%
way 2.46%
life 2.16%
team 1.85%
deal 1.75%
time 1.49%
condition 1.41%
place 1.40%
shape 1.35%
training 0.38%
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