1.   Code language for a prominent leader bringing a business through a difficult period and offering a better long-term contract to employees.

2.   They might get at least some credit if they were seen to be laying better long-term foundations for the economy.

3.   However, increased tourism is likely to create just as many jobs with better long-term prospects.

4.   TV series, have much better long-term memory and learning ability than ordinary mice.

5.   Few bond funds are more diverse than Invesco Select Income Fund and few have better long-term records.

6.   He says students considering electrical engineering or computer science degrees may decide to go into other professions that offer better long-term prospects.

7.   Investors could conclude they are willing to pay higher prices for stocks on the theory that stocks are a better long-term investment and less risky than generally perceived.

8.   It is not surprising that four of the five will disappear into funds with better long-term records.

9.   One way to protect miles is to exchange them for miles in another airline with better long-term prospects.

10.   Over time, though, DVD seems destined to overtake the laser disk, which makes it a better long-term investment.

d. + long-term >>共 59
more 19.68%
only 12.06%
best 11.75%
better 7.30%
most 4.44%
very 3.49%
even 3.49%
not 2.86%
also 2.22%
real 2.22%
better + a. >>共 518
able 13.93%
prepared 5.80%
educated 5.59%
economic 5.54%
financial 4.17%
equipped 3.15%
suited 2.69%
qualified 1.53%
late 1.47%
known 1.22%
long-term 1.17%
每页显示:    共 23