1.   Which explanation provides the better description of how lawyers and judges treat propositions about legislation that go without saying?

2.   Angry was a better description.

3.   Biggs played Jim, a high school senior who, for lack of a better description, decides to share a moment of intimacy with an apple pie.

4.   A better description could not be found for what I felt that evening as the contrast between his talent and my own became apparent.

5.   A better description is that he is unseasoned.

6.   A final issue the speakers dealt with was, for lack of a better description, the evanescence of technological foresight.

7.   Chancellor, who was hit with a technical foul midway through the second half as the Sparks were mounting their most telling offensive run, had a better description.

8.   Fluky is a much better description.

9.   For lack of a better description, call it a Pete Carroll Defense.

10.   For lack of a better description, he guesses they might be closer to folk music.

a. + description >>共 448
detailed 9.60%
brief 5.56%
accurate 3.32%
apt 2.53%
physical 2.45%
general 2.31%
better 2.02%
graphic 2.02%
good 1.95%
full 1.59%
better + n. >>共 1001
job 3.53%
chance 3.27%
way 2.46%
life 2.16%
team 1.85%
deal 1.75%
time 1.49%
condition 1.41%
place 1.40%
shape 1.35%
description 0.10%
每页显示:    共 28