1.   He accused Cardenas of betraying his nation by leaving the governing party a decade ago to join the leftist opposition.

2.   He betrayed the nation, and disgraced his office in the process.

3.   He did not betray the nation.

4.   Kim was blamed for betraying his nation and humiliating the Korean people.

5.   They have also vehemently attacked Michel and other proponents of the measures on the government-owned television, accusing them of betraying the nation.

6.   Milosevic also has been facing criticism at home from Serb nationalists who accuse him of betraying the nation.

7.   Militant leaders say Musharraf has betrayed the nation and have called for his ouster.

8.   The government had not only betrayed the nation but had also thrown it into a new crisis.

9.   The most painful experience of his exile, Kuklinski said last week in Krakow, has been knowing that many Poles feel he betrayed his nation.

10.   The six groups accuse Musharraf of betraying the nation, an Islamic republic, by siding with America against the Muslim government of the Taliban.

v. + nation >>共 784
lead 8.59%
address 5.18%
divide 1.92%
develop 1.90%
shock 1.88%
industrialize 1.45%
bring 1.36%
represent 1.15%
sweep 1.15%
help 1.15%
betray 0.25%
betray + n. >>共 289
country 5.04%
trust 4.90%
emotion 3.50%
presence 2.52%
interest 2.52%
confidence 2.52%
people 1.96%
sign 1.68%
secret 1.68%
hint 1.54%
nation 1.54%
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