1.   In one case of benign stricture, the endoscopy biopsy specimen was reported as being suspicious for malignancy.

2.   The pathogenesis of benign stricture formation in ulcerative colitis remains uncertain.

3.   Self expandable steel braided endoprostheses were first used for the treatment of vascular and urological benign strictures, with good clinical results.

4.   As ingrowth and subsequent reocclusion seems to be tumour related, we studied this new treatment method in patients with severe CP and benign symptomatic biliary stricture.

5.   As obstruction in these cases is because of the tumoral process itself, we postulated that their longterm patency in benign biliary strictures was likely to be better.

6.   There are many well documented cases in which a seemingly benign stricture on radiological grounds has been subsequently shown to be malignant.

a. + stricture >>共 79
islamic 7.98%
biliary 6.38%
malignant 6.38%
benign 5.85%
social 3.72%
biblical 3.19%
corrosive 3.19%
peptic 2.66%
strict 2.13%
religious 2.13%
benign + n. >>共 342
inflation 8.54%
tumor 5.94%
neglect 5.32%
view 2.48%
condition 2.23%
growth 1.86%
form 1.73%
brain 1.73%
explanation 1.49%
environment 1.36%
stricture 1.36%
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