1.   And if you believe in a just and tolerant society and not the politics of division, I say join us now.

2.   However, Welshman Ncube, the secretary-general of the Movement for Democratic Change, said he believed that the violence was coordinated by the government.

3.   Many here said they believed recent laboratory advances in molecular biology and genetics are poised to offer new improvements in treatments for people.

4.   However, the Rev. Sava Janjic, a spokesman for a moderate group of Serbs, said he believed the returns could begin as early in June.

5.   However, a port official in Xiamen, who refused to be named, said he believed the trip was canceled for political reasons.

6.   One -- District of Columbia psychiatrist Raymond Patterson -- said he believed Duran was lying about seening visions and hearing voices.

7.   However a lawyer for Somalfruit, Bruno Calzia, said here he believed the gunmen dreamed up the ambush themselves and were not hired by the rival company.

8.   However Faluji said he believed there would be no more incidents in coming days following the accord, which was the first step to a comprehensive agreement.

9.   Sixty-one percent said they believed that the poor had been hardest hit.

v. + say >>共 880
be 14.52%
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come 1.50%
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happen 1.26%
believe 0.21%
believe + v. >>共 111
be 13.13%
kill 10.44%
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bury 4.04%
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