1.   The Abu Sayyaf have beheaded hostages in the past.

2.   The group has beheaded some hostages and extorted large ransoms for others.

3.   A Norwegian hostage was beheaded while a sixth, an American, escaped soon after he was kidnapped.

4.   Al-Faran has been condemned by many Western nations, especially when it beheaded a fifth hostage, a Norwegian tourist, soon after the kidnappings began.

5.   At least four other hostages have been beheaded.

6.   Four Western hostages were beheaded in Chechnya last week in a gruesome example of the lawlessness that has plagued the region.

7.   In an unusually gruesome display of the lawlessness, four Western hostages were beheaded last week.

8.   Muslim rebel leader Abu Sabaya told Radio Mindanao Network they would behead American hostages Thursday unless the Philippine government appointed two Malaysian negotiators to mediate their release.

9.   They beheaded several hostages, including Guillermo Sobero of Corona, California.

10.   In radio interviews conducted through mobile and satellite telephones, Abu Sabaya issued open threats to behead hostages.

v. + hostage >>共 218
release 17.30%
take 14.86%
free 14.77%
hold 14.62%
kill 7.83%
rescue 3.06%
seize 2.32%
execute 1.44%
harm 1.12%
shoot 1.09%
behead 0.41%
behead + n. >>共 76
man 26.25%
people 6.25%
victim 6.25%
hostage 5.83%
militant 4.17%
captive 3.33%
four 2.92%
woman 2.92%
convict 2.50%
teacher 2.08%
每页显示:    共 14