1.   If illness or injury strikes, medical professionals are normally close by, ready to ease pain and begin treatment.

2.   In the asymptomatic patient, there is no urgency to begin treatment.

3.   It is important to establish the diagnosis and begin treatment quickly.

4.   Thyroxine replacement treatment was begun with some improvement but by May the goitre had increased in size and began to cause local pressure effects.

5.   The data thus show that a large proportion of those who begin this treatment may become longterm users.

6.   This change led to an enormous effort to begin active treatment in the neonatal period for virtually all infants with this condition.

7.   Although uncommon, septicemic plague is nearly always fatal unless antibiotic treatment is begun quickly.

8.   An elderly Stuart woman began rabies treatment Wednesday after tests showed a bat that bit her on the hand Saturday was infected with the rabies virus.

9.   Anthrax bacteria are killed by antibiotics, but until now most doctors believed that once symptoms appeared, it was too late to begin treatment.

v. + treatment >>共 511
receive 18.17%
undergo 11.51%
seek 7.29%
get 6.57%
need 3.99%
require 3.55%
give 3.08%
have 1.89%
begin 1.74%
provide 1.59%
begin + n. >>共 773
talk 5.97%
work 5.38%
career 3.78%
negotiation 3.71%
investigation 3.10%
process 2.20%
operation 2.05%
campaign 1.95%
proceeding 1.64%
search 1.43%
treatment 0.76%
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