1.   During the next year, scientists will evaluate the proposal and begin informal discussions with possible international partners.

2.   The group returned after dinner to begin a discussion of organization structure.

3.   Then began lengthy discussions on ways and means.

4.   Washington and Manila will in December begin discussions on a new lease.

5.   They shook hands and exchanged courtesies before beginning their discussion.

6.   Soon after his election victory Walesa began discussions with several politicians on the formation of a new government.

7.   Venezuela also signed an agreement to begin discussions by mid-September on conditions for the future access of CARICOM products to the Venezuelan market.

8.   Immediately after the signing of the agreement, negotiators began discussions to resolve a number of outstanding issues.

9.   As Ramaphosa was beginning discussions with members of the National Peace Secretariat, some marchers broke through the razor-wire border fencing and started moving towards Bisho.

v. + discussion >>共 486
hold 14.22%
have 11.05%
continue 5.43%
begin 5.29%
include 3.06%
resume 3.06%
dominate 2.32%
start 2.01%
open 1.90%
follow 1.87%
begin + n. >>共 773
talk 5.97%
work 5.38%
career 3.78%
negotiation 3.71%
investigation 3.10%
process 2.20%
operation 2.05%
campaign 1.95%
proceeding 1.64%
search 1.43%
discussion 1.34%
每页显示:    共 222