1.   Few would have predicted that a radical, reforming Lord Chancellor would begin an assault on the restrictive practices of barristers.

2.   Troops began an assault on the city by land and sea.

3.   A two-day flurry of nine comet shards began its assault early Wednesday.

4.   But since he began his assault on history, everywhere he plays, stadiums are filled.

5.   Defense lawyers began another assault in July, announcing in a secret hearing that they intended to bring a nuclear bomb to court.

6.   Erstad began the assault on Wolcott by sharply rapping a single.

7.   Gary Sheffield began the assault with a one-out single.

8.   Instead, they bolted when the Marines began their assault to free Kuwait, and the U.S. troops had trouble accelerating their attack to catch them.

9.   Kieschnick began the assault with a two-run homer to center field, his first of the season.

10.   Moments later, Gordon passed Waltrip and began his assault on Mayfield.

v. + assault >>共 227
launch 10.73%
continue 5.05%
lead 3.52%
stop 3.43%
begin 3.16%
report 2.71%
include 2.52%
commit 2.25%
plan 1.98%
mount 1.98%
begin + n. >>共 773
talk 5.97%
work 5.38%
career 3.78%
negotiation 3.71%
investigation 3.10%
process 2.20%
operation 2.05%
campaign 1.95%
proceeding 1.64%
search 1.43%
assault 0.21%
每页显示:    共 35