1.   Protected prices for beet sugar produced in Europe ensure that the international market price for sugar is low, forcing down the wages of the Haitian workers.

2.   And of course there is a small working economy as well, concentrated mainly on beet sugar and cement.

3.   Both cane and beet white sugars are highly purified with no residual extra flavors and no nutrients, fat or fiber.

4.   A mixture of powdered alder wood, beet sugar and wood resin is sealed within the bag, out of contact with the food.

5.   Caught between high-priced raw cane sugar and relatively inexpensive refined beet sugar, cane refiners have found their profit margins squeezed, Sprague explained.

6.   It operates four cane sugar refineries in Canada and the U.S. and a beet sugar processing plant in Canada.

7.   Much of the rest would come in subsidies aimed at livestock and dairy farmers, soybean and oilseed producers and growers of peanuts and beet sugar.

8.   One reason is that beet sugar is generally cheaper to produce.

9.   Processors pay for raw cane sugar and refined beet sugar by borrowing from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, putting the cane and beet sugar up for collateral.

10.   Safeway label brown sugar in Arizona and the Pacific Northwest is beet sugar produced by Imperial Holly, according to Bob Baldwin of Imperial Sugar Co. in Tracy.

n. + sugar >>共 60
beet 13.04%
combine 5.43%
confectioner 3.26%
rock 3.26%
sprinkle 3.26%
year 3.26%
stir 3.26%
flatulence 2.17%
stick 2.17%
plant 2.17%
beet + n. >>共 54
sugar 10.62%
juice 6.19%
green 6.19%
salad 6.19%
worm 5.31%
slice 5.31%
soup 5.31%
mixture 4.42%
field 3.54%
essence 1.77%
每页显示:    共 12