1.   For instance, beef has about the same level of cholesterol as skinless roasted chicken.

2.   Grass-fed beef has less intermuscular fat than grain-fed beef.

3.   Niman beef had less appealing flavor, and many deemed it bland.

4.   Once past these setbacks, though, industry experts say Brazilian beef still has bright long-term prospects.

5.   Randolph said beef has the added handicap of intimidating customers.

6.   This is because ground beef can have bacteria ground deep into the interior.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
beef 0%
beef + v. >>共 107
be 47.97%
come 4.57%
stew 3.05%
cause 1.52%
have 1.52%
make 1.52%
pose 1.27%
slice 1.27%
become 1.02%
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