1.   Although mite infestations have wiped out wild bee colonies in many parts of the nation, beekeepers have treated their hives successfully with chemicals, including fluvalinate and menthol.

2.   Ant colonies and bee colonies sometimes look like a horde, too.

3.   A warm winter and mild spring helped bee colonies build populations early, Nabors said.

4.   It kills a whole bee colony at once.

5.   On Monday, the subject is communal living, featuring army ants, a termite city and a female-only bee colony that manages to reproduce without males.

6.   Wearing a protective white suit, he pulls out a white board and scans it closely, ignoring the buzzing cloud that jumps when he disturbs the bee colony.

n. + colony >>共 105
leper 7.50%
ant 6.07%
art 4.64%
nudist 4.64%
artist 3.57%
space 3.57%
penguin 3.21%
island 2.86%
jockey 2.86%
termite 2.14%
bee 2.14%
bee + n. >>共 90
sting 24.74%
hive 4.21%
pollen 4.21%
venom 3.68%
colony 3.16%
population 2.63%
attack 2.11%
brain 2.11%
swarm 2.11%
keeper 1.58%
每页显示:    共 6