1.   As in other creatures, this neuron sends projections to every nook and cranny of the bee brain.

2.   All of this makes those tiny bee brains seem all the more impressive.

3.   The bee brain has only one dopamine neuron.

4.   When the dopamine neuron encounters an empty flower, it throws the bee brain into an unhappy state.

n. + brain >>共 75
rat 7.74%
computer 7.14%
cow 6.55%
cattle 5.95%
mouse 4.17%
bird 3.57%
business 2.98%
silicon 2.98%
bee 2.38%
squirrel 2.38%
bee + n. >>共 90
sting 24.74%
hive 4.21%
pollen 4.21%
venom 3.68%
colony 3.16%
population 2.63%
attack 2.11%
brain 2.11%
swarm 2.11%
keeper 1.58%
每页显示:    共 4