1.   The following day, the patient asked for a bedside telephone.

2.   Laura picked up the bedside telephone and dialled the number.

3.   The bedside telephone began to ring.

4.   It nearly covers the blinking red message light of the bedside telephone.

a. + telephone >>共 751
local 11.45%
long-distance 5.97%
toll-free 2.60%
regional 2.47%
new 2.38%
public 2.28%
home 1.97%
international 1.90%
state 1.74%
national 1.65%
bedside 0.11%
bedside + n. >>共 59
table 32.67%
lamp 11.55%
clock 5.98%
vigil 5.18%
visit 4.38%
light 3.59%
cabinet 3.19%
hearing 3.19%
telephone 1.99%
court 1.59%
每页显示:    共 5