1.   As we become richer as a country we shall be able to do all these things.

2.   The most striking change as countries become richer is in the quantity of discarded paper.

3.   Who have become grotesquely richer as children die in civil wars fought in their inner cities?

4.   As the vapours rise in the column through each successive equilibrium, they become richer in the more volatile component.

5.   At the same time, the liquid in the flask becomes richer in the less volatile component and consequently its boiling point increases.

6.   As the solid of one component forms the liquid becomes richer in the other component.

7.   The liquid thus becomes richer in naphthalene.

8.   The rich in these societies certainly became richer, on both measures.

v. + richer >>共 11
get 39.57%
be 37.68%
become 10.19%
grow 7.11%
feel 2.13%
getting 1.42%
look 0.71%
seem 0.47%
appear 0.24%
die 0.24%
become + a. >>共 1097
clear 3.88%
involved 2.42%
popular 2.36%
available 2.32%
apparent 1.85%
common 1.79%
ill 1.68%
aware 1.38%
difficult 1.35%
important 1.25%
richer 0.09%
每页显示:    共 43