1.   Now that it is no longer traitorous, popular antagonism towards the Catholic church has become open.

2.   People have become more open about their feelings.

3.   The place of art, music, history or geography became open to question.

4.   The Council hopes the banks will recognise the concerns of their customers and become more open about charges.

5.   The championship race has suddenly become wide open and Middlesbrough are poised to put pressure on the three leading teams.

6.   And although Wiranto said he was becoming more open to help from foreign troops, he added that the time was still not right.

7.   Antonovich plans to stress the need for China becoming more open to religious freedom, an aide said, while Wilson and Riordan will be talking about trade.

8.   As adoption becomes more open, however,experts are concluding it is far more prevalent than they had thought.

9.   As the Khmer Rouge Communist insurgency has collapsed in the last two years, many hidden sites have suddenly become open to looters.

10.   At the same time, a seat in the State Assembly became open and the Bronx Democrats endorsed a Hispanic candidate, Pedro Gautier Espada.

v. + open >>共 23
be 75.15%
remain 13.45%
stay 4.45%
get 1.47%
swing 1.21%
become 1.01%
break 0.65%
seem 0.61%
lie 0.36%
appear 0.34%
become + a. >>共 1097
clear 3.88%
involved 2.42%
popular 2.36%
available 2.32%
apparent 1.85%
common 1.79%
ill 1.68%
aware 1.38%
difficult 1.35%
important 1.25%
open 0.21%
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