1.   As the hours wore on, the sun became increasing hot, and the wind died to little more than a murmur.

2.   He believes television is becoming increasing like radio, where niche broadcasting reigns.

3.   In metro Atlanta, it has become increasing difficult to build or place towers.

4.   The computer and actuators have become increasing adept at sensing the disturbance and damping out the vibration within seconds.

5.   The development comes soft money comes under attack in the presidential campaign and as Senate contest have become increasing expensive.

6.   US military authorities also said they had warned Chinese authorities in recent months that these common intercepts were becoming increasing aggressive and hazardous.

v. + increase >>共 170
work 15.19%
use 12.91%
do 5.82%
act 2.53%
say 1.77%
can 1.52%
become 1.52%
fight 1.27%
add 1.27%
be 1.27%
become + v. >>共 273
bind 6.98%
act 2.64%
say 2.64%
follow 2.26%
be 2.08%
know 2.08%
win 1.89%
threaten 1.89%
read 1.89%
find 1.70%
increase 1.13%
每页显示:    共 6