1.   Practice Make Perfect

2.   If you take advice above, I think you can become good at English step by step.

3.   I hope all of you will become good at English step by step.

4.   One year later, I became good at Maths, which made me excited.

5.   And while we know that nobody who loses a 10-pound-loss actually wants to put it back on, somehow we've become really good at it!

6.   I gradually became good at talking and found that communication with others was not that difficult.

7.   Practice MakesPerfect

8.   Practice daily and you will become good at it!

9.   The boy became good at playing basketball.

10.   Not having someone they can talk to can effect kids to become not good at communication, so make sure you talk to them about how they feel regularly.

v. + good + at >>共 11
be 98.83%
become 0.38%
make 0.30%
feel 0.15%
get 0.13%
keep 0.08%
find 0.03%
seem 0.03%
smell 0.03%
take 0.03%
become + good + p. >>共 3
at 88.24%
by 5.88%
of 5.88%
每页显示:    共 15