1.   It happens when you become good at playing your favorite genre or style, but never branch out from there.

2.   It may seem a little tricky at first, but with practice you become very good at it.

3.   It takes 10,000 hours to become good at anything.

4.   It takes practice to become good at math and running, at least for average people.

5.   It takes some practice to become good at using it.

6.   It was not a great day for me to leave her side, but her brother has become so good at helping her.

7.   Just like people who devote a lot of time to other hobbies and interests become quite good at those.

8.   Lets say you worked very hard all your life to become very good at something.

9.   Mary became good at the noble arts of the ninja.

10.   Maybe the trick to becoming good at occulemency is to be as miserable as possible.

v. + good + at >>共 20
be 89.56%
get 5.57%
become 1.68%
look 1.39%
feel 0.65%
sound 0.41%
seem 0.25%
make 0.20%
find 0.04%
tear 0.04%
become + good + p. >>共 13
at 78.10%
with 4.76%
in 3.81%
of 2.86%
after 1.90%
for 1.90%
among 0.95%
as 0.95%
because_of 0.95%
by 0.95%
每页显示:    共 82