1.   A beautiful biblical woman named Abigail is responsible for yet another version.

2.   A beautiful boy, dark eyes and hair, with an uncanny way of putting issues in perspective.

3.   A beautiful dish, it is more or less what it sounds like, sticky rice wrapped in green striated lotus leaves.

4.   A beautiful fairy danced near him, and he reached out to catch her, but caught only her handkerchief.

5.   A beautiful hippie beach is Arambol, right in the north of the state.

6.   A beautiful lake is inhabited by many species of waterfowl and the delightful formal gardens include herb and sculpture gardens.

7.   A beautiful pale-auburn fox down to your ankles, with a high collar to turn up.

8.   A beautiful Philippino nurse with a warm smile slid out of - as we slid into - a small office.

9.   A butch lesbian with motherly tendencies, she maintained her dignity and in some lights could look beautiful.

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