1.   As the pictures are beamed into our living rooms, we shake our heads at the barbarians on the other side of the world.

2.   After the craft deflates the airbags that cushion its landing, finds the sun and orients itself, it should begin beaming pictures back to Earth.

3.   Crews aboard both spacecraft beamed live pictures to Earth.

4.   Pictures were beamed instantly around the world.

5.   That meant that the equipment was still there less than four months later and could be used to beam pictures of the Tiananmen demonstration around the world.

6.   The prototype has cameras that beam back pictures of nearby terrain, and the frame could be outfitted with other gear, perhaps for rock collecting, Wettergreen said.

7.   Van Wirdum celebrated by proposing to her boyfriend, Robert Dunn, on television, unaware that the pictures were being beamed live back to Australia.

8.   Operated by remote control, it moves from room to room, detecting ambushes and booby traps and beaming back pictures to its operators, said Canedo.

9.   Only hours before the opening ceremony a bomb scare forced security officials to seal off the Olympic International Broadcasting Center from where television pictures are beamed to the world.

v. + picture >>共 689
have 18.92%
take 17.32%
show 4.12%
include 3.83%
paint 3.26%
snap 3.02%
see 2.79%
get 2.16%
draw 2.02%
enter 1.55%
beam 0.10%
beam + n. >>共 112
image 9.96%
signal 5.69%
program 5.69%
message 3.56%
smile 3.20%
picture 3.20%
show 2.85%
game 2.49%
broadcast 2.49%
information 2.14%
每页显示:    共 9