1.   I always thought that was a funny place to have a house.

2.   I carried that burden myself, thinking it was my own fault because of what I heard at church.

3.   It is equally wrong, however, to think it is possible to ignore the practical dimensions of life.

4.   What do you think I am, a complete moron?

5.   One such influential doctrine of this order which, though now discredited in its strong form, still influences methodological thinking is the notion of operational definitions.

6.   If this is Islam, thought Robert, give me more !

7.   Santa Maria, what sort of man do think I am?

8.   I always thought that was rhinoceros horn.

9.   If it was Burghgesh, I thought, surely he would have returned to his former home?

v. + think >>共 172
be 12.68%
stop 10.43%
grow_up 6.13%
come 4.29%
pause 4.09%
have 3.07%
give 2.86%
get 2.25%
go 2.04%
use 1.64%
be + v. >>共 1041
go 8.23%
say 4.28%
include 3.27%
follow 2.62%
compare 2.38%
be 1.98%
give 1.39%
have 1.16%
make 1.16%
do 0.75%
think 0.43%
每页显示:    共 62