1.   Anything to keep from being stopped halfway to Tuzla, and maybe even detained.

2.   It is impossible to spend a half hour on any road without being stopped by them.

3.   Larsson frequently found himself with the ball behind the defense, only to be stopped by the gambling Mihaylov and second-half Bulgarian goalie Plamen Nikolov.

4.   The other women either became suspicious and drove away after being stopped or refused to stop until they reached a place they thought was safe.

5.   Auta said the tribunal was satisfied with its constitution and that there was nothing to stop it from going ahead with the trial.

6.   In one of the play-acting exercises, soldiers kick and threaten to shoot surrendering rebels, only to be stopped by fellow troops.

7.   A Palestinian man was shot and seriously wounded by Israeli police Thursday when he tried to flee after being stopped at a roadblock north of here, police said.

8.   Officials said that after being stopped Morozov then opened his window and fired two shots at the soldier.

9.   Officials say that after being stopped Morozov then opened his window and fired two shots at the soldier.

10.   Sergeant Kim Rich said she did not have details of who was stopping the refugees.

v. + stop >>共 195
fighting 24.15%
fight 7.58%
bleeding 6.59%
shelling 4.39%
be 2.20%
shaking 1.80%
cheering 1.80%
bomb 1.00%
pitching 1.00%
trade 1.00%
be + v. >>共 1583
be 15.20%
ask 3.21%
make 3.02%
seem 3.01%
appear 2.16%
do 1.81%
go 1.78%
hold 1.57%
pay 1.06%
use 0.83%
stop 0.13%
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