1.   And the Constitution is neither silent nor equivocal about who shall make laws which the President is to execute.

2.   But at darkest midnight when all was silent in the house two great snakes came crawling into the nursery.

3.   Every cave was silent, lest it also attract disaster.

4.   Everything was silent except the gurgling of paddles and the muffled shouts from the far end of town.

5.   For the silent majority will always be silent.

6.   Have your child try to be silent for some time while you go about your daily routine.

7.   He heard the roar of the motorcycle being started up and then fading until it was silent.

8.   He was silent for a long moment before replying.

9.   He was silent for some time, as the fire crackled.

v. + silent >>共 16
be 42.23%
remain 26.55%
fall 12.70%
keep 7.34%
stay 3.98%
go 3.21%
stand 1.60%
grow 1.06%
become 0.48%
turn 0.45%
be + a. >>共 1165
able 2.82%
likely 2.09%
available 1.65%
due 1.18%
ready 1.14%
clear 1.02%
difficult 0.95%
important 0.89%
involved 0.88%
unable 0.87%
silent 0.09%
每页显示:    共 1309