1.   All three were present at a party in September 1997 hosted by Nelson Mandela in Pretoria, South Africa.

2.   Instead, the general medical necessities were present at ringside such as oxygen and other medical gear.

3.   Invites in Belgium and to another place asked the media to be present at a "Employ Stories Press Experience.

4.   Isha L'Isha is present at meetings of the Ministry of Justice that discusses this legislation to provide our input from the field.

5.   It's also advisable to try benefiting from guidance from the trainer that needs to be present at your community health club.

6.   It is almost as if someone should be present at every meeting representing your customer.

7.   It is present at the site of tissue repair, cuts and infectious diseases.

8.   It is suspected that frequencies in this range may be present at many alleged "haunted" locales, since they create feelings of unease.

9.   It is the mental states that are present at the time of action that cause this psychophysical phenomenon to arise in future states.

10.   It is told about the violet kid and a berry of dark colour who has in it such scientific properties which are not present at any other fruit.

v. + present + at >>共 2
be 99.70%
remain 0.30%
be + present + p. >>共 65
in 56.06%
at 10.87%
on 6.26%
for 5.80%
with 4.51%
during 2.25%
to 2.25%
within 1.62%
since 1.56%
as 1.13%
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