1.   This result and the microdensitometric data unequivocally demonstrate that Z phase is located at the end of S.

2.   Colonies of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exhibit sectors that were shown to be located at specific intervals within the colony.

3.   The nest sites of the species investigated were located at different parts of the tree (Fig. 10).

4.   The 11 B 2 state was located at 5.58 eV, 0.46 eV below the 21 A 1 state and 0.09 eV above the experimental value.

5.   Concerns remain about the safety and transport of sedated neonates for MR examination to radiology suites, which are usually located at a distance from neonatal intensive care units.

6.   These appear to be located at the last points of contact persisting at the end of cytokinesis between the cytoplasm of the future microspores.

7.   Using in situ hybridization, this alphoid satellite was located primarily at the centromeric region of chromosome 6.

8.   Further analysis and model calculations demonstrate that the Zn atom is located at the octahedral interstitial site after irradiation.

9.   The male-specific 658-bp sequence was located at the end opposite to the pseudoautosomal region while the SRY gene sequence hybridized near the centromere.

10.   The mutation designated appA1 was located at 22.5 min on the E. coli genetic map.

v. + located + at >>共 3
be 99.56%
become 0.35%
remain 0.09%
be + located + p. >>共 68
at 37.58%
within 18.59%
between 8.93%
near 7.05%
along 2.98%
to 2.84%
inside 2.25%
around 1.85%
outside 1.79%
over 1.59%
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