51.   Broadway has been good to Stroman.

52.   But Anderson said it was too good to waste.

53.   But fate has been good to me.

54.   But Foxboro Stadium has been good to the US national team.

55.   But it has been relatively good to those who rotate through sectors.

56.   But New York real estate has generally been good to Dr. Schlachet, and this was no exception.

57.   But Oslo was good to Arafat, restoring him to power and then keeping him a player in the fractured peace process.

58.   But Russia has been good to Roper, a company based in Bogart, near Athens, GA, that makes analytical instruments and industrial pumps and valves.

59.   But the best thing about it for me was that my teammates were really good guys and the coaching staff and the trainers were really good to me.

60.   But the film has been good to him.

v. + good + to >>共 9
be 65.92%
look 14.25%
sound 14.03%
feel 2.00%
taste 1.78%
smell 0.89%
seem 0.67%
have 0.22%
take 0.22%
be + good + p. >>共 52
for 59.60%
at 19.80%
to 5.80%
in 3.90%
with 2.69%
as 1.59%
on 1.55%
about 1.37%
from 0.35%
of 0.35%
每页显示:    共 294