61.   It was the poem of the day on the Writer's Almanac, and I thought it was too good not to share.

62.   It would be best to look up the aplication of each steel in the machinry's handbook and use that to decide if 1045 is too good to use.

63.   It would be good to initial set up the successful list with the outrageous series of subscribers.

64.   It would be really good to matter.

65.   It would not be good to terminus up with a cancer with a view the purposes of vanity.

66.   It would not be good to terminus up with a disability after the benefit of vanity.

67.   John and Cherie were so good to us in allowing us free accommodation on their property and the use of their bathroom facilities and power.

68.   Joint ventures have been a hottest commercial operation direction right right away as good as will be good in to a future.

69.   Just be good to my sister, or I will hear of it.

70.   Just be good to you.

v. + good + to >>共 19
be 61.75%
sound 15.93%
look 9.45%
feel 5.78%
seem 2.50%
taste 2.03%
smell 0.94%
appear 0.31%
rate 0.31%
consider 0.23%
be + good + p. >>共 68
for 50.88%
at 24.91%
with 5.10%
in 5.08%
to 4.50%
about 2.00%
as 1.66%
on 1.26%
of 0.65%
but 0.44%
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