31.   It's too good not to use in some form or fashion.

32.   It can be good to open doors an respective to imagine and deal with signs of the upset.

33.   It had been false confidence from the beginning and damn that was good to know.ah the false bravado.

34.   It has been said that if you're good to your teeth they bequeath be good to you.

35.   It is always good to exercise with care and not to exercise when the pain is acute.

36.   It is always good to experiment because this is not a philosophical question.

37.   It is good to 8 days.

38.   It is good to customers because they can save tax and get goods with no service charges.

39.   It is good to discus the type of drink and food you will serve to your guests and can have a brainstorming session.

40.   It is good to health.

v. + good + to >>共 19
be 61.75%
sound 15.93%
look 9.45%
feel 5.78%
seem 2.50%
taste 2.03%
smell 0.94%
appear 0.31%
rate 0.31%
consider 0.23%
be + good + p. >>共 68
for 50.88%
at 24.91%
with 5.10%
in 5.08%
to 4.50%
about 2.00%
as 1.66%
on 1.26%
of 0.65%
but 0.44%
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