1.   Arizona sharpshooter who also is good on the break.

2.   Defensively, Atlanta is very good on the line of scrimmage and has the pass rushers to give Drew Bledsoe a lot to think about.

3.   Elliott is particularly good on the insoluble split between economic and cultural conservatives.

4.   Even hard-core fans aren't good on the names of most players.

5.   Even if it's a 10-pounder, it'll still be good on the barbecue."

6.   Fares are good on flights through May 31, 1998.

7.   For a sweet-and-sour flavor, try Asian seasoned rice vinegar; it's particularly good on cold pasta salads.

8.   Hawkins made 4 of 5 and Seattle was good on 8 of 13 as a team.

9.   He picked things up quickly and was very good on the field.

10.   He's good on game day, which requires quick thinking, making adjustments and analyzing what's happening on the other side of the ball.

v. + good + on >>共 10
make 42.02%
be 26.77%
look 25.35%
feel 2.30%
sound 2.13%
go 0.35%
smell 0.35%
taste 0.35%
get 0.18%
put 0.18 %
be + good + p. >>共 46
for 59.82%
at 20.97%
to 5.93%
with 2.48%
in 2.28%
about 2.20%
as 1.24%
on 1.07%
through 0.61%
from 0.58%
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