1.   All was good on the way out.

2.   It'll still be good on DVD but I think this is one film which deserves to be seen in theatres.

3.   It's a fun day trip and the shopping is pretty good on the island too.

4.   It's especially good on tap.

5.   It's good on everything.

6.   It's just good on so many levels.

7.   It's not good on your digestive track.

8.   It's only a problem when misinformation is spread which TYT is pretty good on.

9.   It can be seen that treatment is good on detail.

10.   It is also good on vegetables and makes it easy to eat lots of Brussels sprouts or any vegetable.

v. + good + on >>共 13
look 52.51%
be 26.44%
feel 8.01%
make 7.06%
sound 3.59%
get 0.72%
seem 0.48%
smell 0.36%
taste 0.36%
appear 0.12%
be + good + p. >>共 68
for 50.88%
at 24.91%
with 5.10%
in 5.08%
to 4.50%
about 2.00%
as 1.66%
on 1.26%
of 0.65%
but 0.44%
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