61.   The functional outcome was good in both treatment groups with no significant difference between the results in the two groups.

62.   Final outcomes after hepatectomy with or without secondary management were good in 80%, fair in 16%, and poor in 4% of our 44 patients.

63.   The hysteroscopic anatomical results were good in the majority of cases.

64.   Long term prognosis of PCG is good in cases surgically resectable.

65.   Germination of the treated seeds was good in the lowest two doses, 1¡Á1012 and 2.5¡Á1012 N/cm2/sec. while deterioration started in 5¡Á1012 which was considered to be the threshold dose.

66.   The reliability of the instrument proved to be good in the total population and the subgroups.

67.   Prognosis of NA with asthma was good in 15 patients who recovered completely from the disease.

68.   The agreement is quite good in the region 63¨QZ??

69.   Agreement was good in most cases, save that the use of the second differentials unduly magnified some terms rightly neglected by Clemence.

70.   Pollen fertility was good in almost all the plants but no capsule was set on them.

v. + good + in >>共 8
be 94.93%
become 0.92%
consider 0.92%
prove 0.92%
remain 0.92%
find 0.46%
grade 0.46%
seem 0.46%
be + good + p. >>共 50
for 31.90%
in 25.37%
with 6.65%
to 6.65%
at 6.40%
after 2.59%
between 1.97%
as 1.72%
except_for 1.72%
over 1.48%
每页显示:    共 142