1.   Prognosis is good in patients with simple performation of the colon without other visceral involvement.

2.   9 is very good in cases where the empirical two-particle interactions used are satisfactorily well known.

3.   The clinical results were good in 30 (68.2%) knees, fair in 7 (15.9%) and poor in 7 (15.9%).

4.   Over the entire treatment period patient cooperation was good in only approximately 50% of the cases.

5.   The clinical response, evaluated in 36 patients with severe systemic, respiratory and urinary infections, was good in all but two cases.

6.   The prognosis is considered to be good in patients without structural heart disease.

7.   The comparison of the calculated global radiation values with the data measured shows that the precision of the formulae determined is good in both cases.

8.   Quality of life was good in most cases and remained constant over time.

9.   According to the Child-Pugh grading, the liver function was relatively good in all patients.

10.   Rectal reservoir function and sphincter control were good in 13 patients.

v. + good + in >>共 8
be 94.93%
become 0.92%
consider 0.92%
prove 0.92%
remain 0.92%
find 0.46%
grade 0.46%
seem 0.46%
be + good + p. >>共 50
for 31.90%
in 25.37%
with 6.65%
to 6.65%
at 6.40%
after 2.59%
between 1.97%
as 1.72%
except_for 1.72%
over 1.48%
每页显示:    共 142