1.   Arrogance can be good in an elected official, as long as that official does good and delivers the goods.

2.   Doug McClure, a onetime sidekick of Bendix and the star of such dramas as "The Virginian," would have been good in the Clinton role.

3.   During the fourth quarter overall business was particularly good in Europe, where revenues were up 31 percent from the third quarter.

4.   Euro traveler's checks are good in Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain.

5.   Even outdoors wasn't as good in my day.

6.   Even if he's not scoring, Deemer's still good in our end.

7.   Even if I don't really have the ability to be good in them.

8.   Except for energy prices, the news on inflation has mostly been good in the weeks since the government collected its information for today's CPI report.

9.   Even when they were playing well, the Mariners weren't very good in the clutch-hit department.

10.   Fishing was good in spurts.

v. + good + in >>共 17
be 53.04%
look 31.86%
feel 6.57%
sound 2.96%
find 1.31%
make 0.99%
taste 0.99%
have 0.49%
consider 0.33%
seem 0.33%
be + good + p. >>共 46
for 59.82%
at 20.97%
to 5.93%
with 2.48%
in 2.28%
about 2.20%
as 1.24%
on 1.07%
through 0.61%
from 0.58%
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