31.   Almunia had a good game but I think we need a keeper that can be very good in all the games not just a few.

32.   It has a dictionary both English and Spanish which is very good in helping my daughter with her Spanish and English vocabulary.

33.   It helps to make it invisible, the writing is so good in this.

34.   It is an album that is as good in 2010 as it was in 2004.

35.   It is better to select the furniture that is good in condition.

36.   It is good in treatment of celiac disease and wheat allergies.

37.   It is good in assisting to urge a dissemination as good as to illustrate a good believer of breast enlargement.

38.   It is good in its tone and tenor.

39.   It is good in reducing the acne and also retards the inflammation.

40.   It is good in sushi, fish tacos, baked, panned fried.

v. + good + in >>共 24
be 58.71%
look 28.21%
feel 8.02%
sound 1.51%
taste 0.46%
find 0.39%
get 0.39%
smell 0.39%
make 0.33%
become 0.26%
be + good + p. >>共 68
for 50.88%
at 24.91%
with 5.10%
in 5.08%
to 4.50%
about 2.00%
as 1.66%
on 1.26%
of 0.65%
but 0.44%
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