31.   As an actress, she's good at filling in the outline of her character with primary colors.

32.   Are bond investors _ who have been pretty good at spying storm clouds on the horizon well before the rest of the world _ right this time?

33.   Each was very good at it."

34.   Disney is good at certain things, but it doesn't understand wine yet."

35.   Doing something positive to restore things helps them see that they are good at repairs, that they can be constructive in the face of disaster.

36.   Economists may not be very good at talking about fiscal and monetary policy; they are just better at it than other people.

37.   Drew is very good at it.

38.   Edward is good at dreaming impossible dreams.

39.   ENTERTAINMENT/ARTS (e) BOOK-WORDS (Undated) _ Think you're good at Scrabble?

40.   Epoxies are good for most materials and are particularly good at holding together dissimilar materials, such as plastic and glass.

v. + good + at >>共 13
be 90.17%
get 4.07%
feel 1.88%
look 1.52%
become 1.37%
sound 0.36%
make 0.24%
seem 0.18%
prove 0.09%
find 0.03%
be + good + p. >>共 46
for 59.82%
at 20.97%
to 5.93%
with 2.48%
in 2.28%
about 2.20%
as 1.24%
on 1.07%
through 0.61%
from 0.58%
每页显示:    共 2971