51.   Glam said that he was good at keeping sheep in winter.

52.   But there was no denying that the late Colonel Werf's seventy-guinea breechloaders were good at their filthy job.

53.   It is bold and hazardous in me to give you mine before I know his, but I am not good at holding back.

54.   I was never good at accounts.

55.   Then if the just man is good at keeping money, he is good at stealing it.

56.   That she was very good at her trade he was prepared to acknowledge; but a fear came upon him that he would find the article too costly for his own purposes.

57.   You were always good at that.

58.   He's good at it, but I'm a good deal better.

59.   I am good at finding things.

60.   Bildad, thou used to be good at sharpening a lance, mend that pen, will ye.

v. + good + at >>共 3
be 96.88%
get 1.56%
think 1.56%
be + good + p. >>共 31
for 43.49%
to 25.21%
as 9.75%
of 8.62%
at 5.81%
in 1.78%
with 0.94%
about 0.56%
after 0.56%
upon 0.37%
每页显示:    共 62