11.   He has never been much good at dealing with people.

12.   He was good at encouraging his team when it hit a rough patch.

13.   He was good at law, but his real talent was making up new laws.

14.   He was one of those guys who are good at telling funny stories at dinner parties.

15.   He was too good at games for that, too central a figure among us to retreat into himself.

16.   He was very good at swimming.

17.   I always thought I would coach one day and I think I would be good at it.

18.   I am thinking particularly of one of the Bushmen you knew who was so good at imitating a professor.

19.   I began to learn the guitar, and discovered that I was pretty good at it.

20.   I never knew you were so good at making speeches.

v. + good + at >>共 11
be 90.02%
get 2.76%
become 2.23%
look 1.87%
feel 1.43%
sound 0.80%
make 0.27%
seem 0.27%
prove 0.18%
find 0.09%
be + good + p. >>共 52
for 59.60%
at 19.80%
to 5.80%
in 3.90%
with 2.69%
as 1.59%
on 1.55%
about 1.37%
from 0.35%
of 0.35%
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