41.   Ms. Winfrey is very good as Sethe, who both invents and is invented by horror.

42.   Nelson is good as the quirky commissioner, and the supporting cast, which includes Lynn Thigpen and John Amos, is good, too.

43.   One was as good as another when the urge to be generous struck, and they all looked beautiful to me.

44.   Osment is astonishingly good as David, his mannerisms carefully calibrated to be just a little off, which gives his performance a consistently unsettling quality.

45.   Oscar-winner Anna Paquin is good as young Jane.

46.   Pine needles and pine bark are especially good as a winter protector for rose plants.

47.   Perugorria is especially good as Diego.

48.   Q. My old soapstone sink is in bad shape, although it still holds water and is good as a washing machine drain.

49.   Robert Downey, Jr., is good as a State Department agent sent to keep an eye on Gerard.

50.   Roberts is exceptionally good as the traveling salesman who is aware that his loyal wife has always loved another man.

v. + good + as >>共 8
be 76.42%
look 15.09%
feel 3.77%
get 0.94%
seem 0.94%
show 0.94%
smell 0.94%
sound 0.94%
be + good + p. >>共 52
for 59.60%
at 19.80%
to 5.80%
in 3.90%
with 2.69%
as 1.59%
on 1.55%
about 1.37%
from 0.35%
of 0.35%
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