11.   Chili is also good as a burrito or taco filling, or mixed with cream cheese and shredded cheese for a hearty dip.

12.   D.B. Sweeney is very good as a photographer who is blessed, and cursed, with remarkable luck.

13.   Depardieu is good as the bewildered yet determined Chabert and Ardant is even better as the conniving Rose.

14.   For me, the technological devices are only good as tools for telling the story.

15.   George Dzunda, as a fellow teacher, is always good as Best Friend.

16.   Handsome, with strands of hair falling down over the right side of his face, Hendricks was preeningly good as the arrogant, lustful prince.

17.   Harvey Keitel and Mekhi Phifer are particularly good as detective and prey, respectively.

18.   He was good as gold.

19.   His acting chops were as good as ever, too.

20.   If there was confrontation in the beginning, it was good as a challenge, as a tension between different styles out of which harmony has developed.

v. + good + as >>共 8
be 76.42%
look 15.09%
feel 3.77%
get 0.94%
seem 0.94%
show 0.94%
smell 0.94%
sound 0.94%
be + good + p. >>共 52
for 59.60%
at 19.80%
to 5.80%
in 3.90%
with 2.69%
as 1.59%
on 1.55%
about 1.37%
from 0.35%
of 0.35%
每页显示:    共 80