1.   breakfast was good as alwayss..

2.   But he is good as new now!

3.   But my legs aren't good as new after that plane ride!

4.   but them has browns be good as fuck...dont burn ya mouth!!!

5.   damn I thought I put u 2 sleep, must have not been as good as I thought =[

6.   Good morning peeps, up pretty early today (for me), hopefully today is as good as yest.

7.   haha it was good as shit to bruh

8.   hahaha I'm good as new!

9.   he'd be good as a reality tv stat but theres no integrity there as a prime minister.

10.   He's good as new!

v. + good + as >>共 7
be 64.15%
look 24.53%
feel 4.72%
go 1.89%
sound 1.89%
taste 1.89%
prove 0.94 %
be + good + p. >>共 50
for 36.55%
at 23.57%
with 10.98%
to 7.59%
in 6.08%
on 3.30%
as 2.10%
about 1.60%
@ 1.42%
but 1.42%
每页显示:    共 68