1.   Reduction of joint-bearing fragments was equally good as with ligamentotaxis.

2.   Diabetic control was considered to be good as the mean hemoglobin A1 level was less than 8.5%.

3.   Commencing oral anticoagulant therapy simultaneously with streptokinase reduces duration of treatment without increasing the risks and the results of lysis are equally good as with earlier studies.

4.   Aristotle's notion of empathy, wherein the moral move occurs whenever we take up someone else's good as our own, is empowering, especially to those who face an imperiled embodiment.

5.   It is especially good as to exactness and it is a time-saving method.

v. + good + as >>共 2
be 93.33%
become 6.67%
be + good + p. >>共 50
for 31.90%
in 25.37%
with 6.65%
to 6.65%
at 6.40%
after 2.59%
between 1.97%
as 1.72%
except_for 1.72%
over 1.48%
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