41.   Amrita Rao is good as always.

42.   Kongo v browne will be good as will mcsweeney v blackledge.

43.   Linda Veras is good as Penny Bennington, a Salvation Army officer traveling across Mexico who Cuchillo meets along the way.

44.   This is more childish reasoning that we have long become accustomed to.

45.   Lycra suits are also good as a base layer to wear under a suit heavier warmth.

46.   Many are as good as Pong.

47.   Marion Cotillard is quite good as Billie, without conveying much of what is supposed to make her relationship with Dillinger work.

48.   Max was good as gold from the minute we got him.

49.   Maybe it is not very good as a fact, but in several cases these traditions become real treasure for us.

50.   Meg Ryan and Andy Garcia are good as Alice and Michael Green.

v. + good + as >>共 24
be 70.53%
look 18.12%
feel 2.17%
taste 1.45%
have 0.97%
make 0.97%
find 0.48%
go 0.48%
keep 0.48%
seal 0.48%
be + good + p. >>共 68
for 50.88%
at 24.91%
with 5.10%
in 5.08%
to 4.50%
about 2.00%
as 1.66%
on 1.26%
of 0.65%
but 0.44%
每页显示:    共 292